Unit Test Session State in MVC using TestHelpers and Moq


In my earlier post about Unit Test Session State in ASP.NET MVC I had demonstrated how to mock intrinsic object like Session state in ASP.NET MVC using Moq. The idea there was to abstract the access to SessionState out into separate class called SessionHelper and then use Moq to mock those method or property calls. In this post I would be using an elegant approach to achieve the same results using MVCContrib TestHelpers.

Using MVCContrib TestHelpers to mock intrinsic objects

The previous approach might be helpful if we are using only one or two intrinsic object within the controller actions. Most of the times we'll be using more than one of the ASP.NET MVC intrinsic object like
  • HttpContext
  • HttpRequest
  • HttpResponse
  • HttpSession
  • Form
  • TempData
  • QueryString
Abstracting each of these classes and their methods and properties can be very cumbersome process. But some smart people have already encountered such issues and have come up with a solution in the form of TestHelpers.
These TestHelpers use RhinoMocks internally to mock the calls to ASP.NET MVC intrinsic objects.
I have modified my example from the last post to suit the changes for TestHelpers. Another advantage of using these test helpers is that we get a set of extension methods which can be used to assert results in a fluent manner. I'll demonstrate that as well in the assert section of the tests.
Without wasting too much time let me dive into the code straight away. Here are the changes to the controller.
private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
//private SessionHelper _sessionHelper;

public LoginController() : this (new UserRepository())

public LoginController (IUserRepository userRepository)
    _userRepository = userRepository;
    //_sessionHelper = sessionHelper;

As can be seen, I have removed the dependency on SessionHelper and inject the LoginController with IUserRepository. Based on these changes there is change in the LogOn action as well.
public ActionResult LogOn(FormCollection formCollection)
    string userName = formCollection["UserName"];
    string password = formCollection["Password"];

    bool validUser = _userRepository.ValidateUser(userName, password);

        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
        this.ModelState.AddModelError("InvalidUser", "Invalid user name or password");
        return View();   

Please note the changes in bold and italics. I have used the HTTPSession object directly in the controller action. As discussed in earlier post this causes problems while unit testing this particular action. But TestControllerBuilder class from TestHelpers comes to the rescue. It takes the responsibility of handling intrinsic objects during unit testing. We can directly use those intrinsic objects in our production code as usual. Before calling the controller action from the unit test we need to set the values for intrinsic objects. This is handled by the InitializeController method of the TestControllerBuilder class as shown in the code snippets below
private Mock<IUserRepository> _mockUserRepository;
private TestControllerBuilder _builder;

private LoginController _loginController;

public void SetUp()
    _mockUserRepository = new Mock<IUserRepository>();

    _builder = new TestControllerBuilder();

    _loginController = new LoginController(_mockUserRepository.Object);

Please note the 2nd and 4th line above. This is all we need to do for setting up the intrinsic objects for controller action. Finally in my test I can assert that the Session variable was set properly.
public void ValidUserDetailsAreStoredinSession()
    string userName = "Nilesh";
    string password = "abc@123";

    FormCollection formCollection = new FormCollection();
    formCollection["UserName"] = userName;
    formCollection["Password"] = password;

    _mockUserRepository.Setup(userRepository => userRepository.ValidateUser(userName, password))

     ActionResult result =_loginController.LogOn(formCollection);

     //Assert.That(result.RouteValues["controller"], Is.EqualTo("Home"));
     //Assert.That(result.RouteValues["action"], Is.EqualTo("Index"));

     Assert.That(_loginController.Session["UserName"], Is.EqualTo(userName));
You can see the changes highlighted above. I have used the AssertActionRedirect method to assert that Home controllers Index action is called. Finally I am asserting that UserName session value is same as what it was set to. This makes the code more readable and easy to understand as compared to earlier code which is commented out.


Using TestHelpers makes it very easy to unit test the intrinsic objects of ASP.NET MVC. Additional methods to assist during asserts also makes the code more readable and easier to understand. We no longer need to abstract all the intrinsic objects. The learning curve is also very less. We can also make use of these TestHelpers to write framework agnostic Asserts. This means that we need not depend on the syntax of the unit testing framework being used to Unit Test the code. I am sure I'll come across situations in my project to demonstrate the other objects like HTTPRequest, Form, QueryString etc over next few days.
Until next post happy programming :)


TestHelpers internally use RhinoMocks dll. make sure you copy that dll from which resides in the dependencies folder after MVCContrib files are extracted to the disk. Copy the RhinoMocks dll into same directory as MVCContrib.TestHelpers.dll.
You can download the complete source code from dropbox - SessionStateUnitTest_WithMVCTestHelpers.zip.


Powertools - October 2009

I have seen many people listing the tools that they use quite often in their day today life. Here is a small list of tools that I use quite often. These tools are related to software development work as well as for personal use. I like to call them as powertools.


Development tools

Visual Studio 2008 team System.

Not much choice there. I am working on Microsoft technologies and in my opinion VS 2008 is one of the best IDE for C# development.

VS commands & Powertoys for VS 2008 

These powertoys and power commands add functionality to existing loads of features in VS 2008. I personally like Collapse All, Open Containing Folder and Open Command Prompt, Remove and Sort Usings commands. In many of our applications we have 10-15 projects in a solution. Navigating through various files in each of the project file can be cumbersome.  Collapse All comes in handy in this case. Other commands are self explanatory.

Source Code Outliner PowerToy

This VS 2008 extension provides the tree view of source code. I have it installed but use it very rarely.

Sticky Notes

This add in provides the sticky notes functionality to project and project items within Visual Studio 2008. It can be very handy to put some comments or hints.

Team Foundation Server Power Tools

These power tools allow check in/out from windows explorer. It has many command line extensions as well and requires Power Shell to be installed as a prerequisite.


TestDriven.NET is a wonderful add in which comes bundled with NCoverExplorer. This addin is used to run unit tests from within the VS 2003/2005/2008 IDE. I tend to use the coverage feature quite often to measure code coverage. The best thing I like about this add in is that it supports multiple unit testing framework. I use the personal edition of this add in.


General Utilities and Tools

Compression utilities

One of the most common task we do to share personal as well as official files is to compress them. I have been using WinZip for a long duration. Off late I have switched over to 7 Zip as its free and performance wise I feel its better as compared to WinZip. Apart from WinZip and 7 Zip I have also used Winrar.


To do lists / reminders

I have tried different tools and methods for managing to do list right from hand written notes to Microsoft outlook tasks. Recently I started using TodoList Resource which has a very simple user interface and is sufficient for my current requirement. This offers a very simple user interface in windows. If you are looking for a web based todo list manager you can have a look at Evernote or TODOIST.


File Comparison

I have an official laptop, a personal laptop, a 2 portable hard drives. Keeping data in synch on all these devices is problematic. I use Beyond compare to compare files and folders.


File Synchronization

Microsoft's SyncToy offers good support for synchronizing contents of two folders. Apart from that you can also try some other utility like Alwaysync


Email Signature

I like to gather quotes from various sources. I was looking for a utility to share these quotes with others by means of a footnote in my email signature. Qliner quotes offers a plugin which can be configured with multiple mail clients like Microsoft Outlook. This plugin can be configured to randomly pick quotes from different files and also at different intervals like daily/weekly / hourly basis.


Bulk File Rename

Many a times we need to rename multiples file at the same time. Bulk File Rename is a very good utility  which is freely available and has many options. You can preview the changes before applying final settings.


Dictionary software

Wordweb is a dictionary software which has both the windows application as well as an online dictionary. If you are installing the windows version please be careful while entering the number of miles you have traveled or number of time you have taken flight journey value. The free version has some weird restriction with regards to air miles or some factor which I don't  remember exactly. But if you enter a value which is above the limit you'll not be allowed to use the free software. Its bets to enter the value as zero.


Online file sharing

Most of the email clients have restriction on the size of the attachments. If there is a need to share a large file we can use an online file sharing service like DropBox. I use this service for hosting the solution files which I used during my blog entries. It offers public as well as restricted sharing access to the files.


Calendar Sync

I use Microsoft Outlook as mail client for accessing my gmail mails. I also have a habit of adding reminders to the google calendar online. Google Calendar Sync provides a way of synchronizing outlook calendar with google calendar. 


Desktop search

Google desktop search is my go to tool for searching files on the PC.


Wallpaper changer

Another utility I love on my PC is the wallpaper changer which is a Windows XP power toy. I like to change the wallpaper image on my desktop periodically. I can do that very easily using this power toy.


Blog Writer

I haven't tried any other blog writer other than Windows Live Writer. I use it to edit both my windows live as well as Blogger blog entries. I like its simple user interface and ease of use.


PDF Writer / Printer

Cute PDF writer is a free open source which can convert any printable format into a PDF file. It installs a PDF printer which can be used by applications to convert their documents as PDF files.



I am sure people are using different utilities to achieve many of the common tasks mentioned above. I would love to try those and choose the best one. I hope this was helpful.


Unit Test Session State in ASP.NET MVC with Moq


ASP.NET MVC is built with the intention of enabling developers to test drive a web application using TDD. We can unit test the model as well as controller code. In most cases unit testing the controller action is quite straightforward. Although ASP.NET MVC discourages use of server controls and state management technique like ViewState there are scenarios where we might need to use some sort of state management across different pages or views. I encountered one such scenario where my team was using custom login instead of built in membership provider to validate users. I had to display currently logged in user information on every view page.

Steps for unit testing SessionState in ASP.NET MVC

Lets try to first see where the problem lies. Assume I have a controller for Login with an action called LogOn. This LogOn method is responsible for validating the user and redirecting the user to appropriate view if successful. We should be able to display the user name on all the subsequent pages. Lets build this sample using TDD.

I am going to use the Repository Pattern to validate users against a user repository. In this example I am not really worried about how the repository is populated with the user objects. In a real scenario it could be a call to data access layer or a service which will provide a list of users to the repository. Many of the examples on the net show repository being implemented with LINQ to SQL code. I will set the repository with initial set of user entity which is called UserEntity. UserEntity is the domain object for storing different user properties.

I have created a separate project in my solution to store all the repository and domain entity objects called Repositories. You can have these classes directly under App_Data folder as well. I need only UserName and Password properties in this example. So for the time being I'll build my domain UserEntity object with only those two properties. The UserEntity class looks like

public class UserEntity


    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }


Following the Agile methodology of writing only the code which will be required for my method, let me create a UserRepository class with a ValidateUser method. This method will take user name and password as input parameters and return true or false depending on whether the user exists in repository or not. I want to inject this repository in the controller using Dependency Injection principle. In order to follow the best practices of programming to an interface as compared to that of a concrete class, lets abstract this functionality into an interface called IUserRepository.

public interface IUserRepository


     bool ValidateUser(string userName, string password);



Lets create a test to verify that the ValidateUser method behaves as expected. I would want to test for both the positive as well as negative scenarios. Hence I have used the initialization method of NUnit framework called SetUp to initialize the instance of UserRepository.

private IUserRepository _userRepository;



public void Setup()


    _userRepository = new UserRepository();   


If we try to build at this stage we'll get a  build error. The reason for that is we don't have the UserRepository class implemented as yet. Lets go ahead and do that. I would like to initialize the repository with one user.

public class UserRepository:IUserRepository


        private IList<UserEntity> _users;


        public UserRepository()


            _users = new List<UserEntity>()


                             new UserEntity {Name = "Nilesh", Password = "abc@123"}




Since I am implementing the IUserRepository interface I need to implement the ValidateUser method. Add the following method definition to above class and build the solution.

public bool ValidateUser(string userName, string password)


    var validUser = _users.SingleOrDefault(user => user.Name == userName && user.Password == password);


    return !(validUser == null);


Now that we have the method as well implemented, lets test both positive as well as negative scenarios.


public void ValidateUserShouldReturnTrueForValidUser()



    string userName = "Nilesh";

    string password = "abc@123";



    bool result = _userRepository.ValidateUser(userName, password);



    Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(true), "Result is false");




public void ValidateUserShouldReturnFalseForInvalidUser()



    string userName = "Nilesh";

    string password = "abcd";



    bool result = _userRepository.ValidateUser(userName, password);



    Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(false), "Result is not null");


I could have tested the negative scenario by having an additional test where password matches but the user name is invalid. I'll leave that as an exercise for the readers to implement that method.

Lets get our attention back towards to LoginController. Lets start by writing a test which will test for the constructor to accept IUserRepository as a dependency.


public class LoginControllerUnitTests


    private Mock<IUserRepository> _mockUserRepository;

    private LoginController _loginController;



    public void SetUp()


        _mockUserRepository = new Mock<IUserRepository>();


        _loginController = new LoginController(_mockUserRepository.Object);



If I build the application now, compiler complains about the constructor which doesn't have IUserRepository as parameter. Lets add an overloaded constructor which taken IUserRepository as parameter and make default constructor call pass this instance as shown below

private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;


public LoginController() : this (new UserRepository())



public LoginController (IUserRepository userRepository)


    _userRepository = userRepository;



Now if we build the solution it will work fine. In the above test code I have used Moq framework to dynamically mock the IUserRepository interface. Now that we have the IUserRepository injected into the LoginController lets write a test which will validate the user against the repository by calling the ValidateUser method. I'll need to collect the user details from the forms collection which are passed from the view to the LogOn action method.  If the user is valid we'll redirect the user to home controller's Index view. If the user credentials are invalid, we'll show the error message by updating the ModelState of controller.


public void ValidUserDetailsAreStoredinSession()



    string userName = "Nilesh";

    string password = "abc@123";


    FormCollection formCollection = new FormCollection();

    formCollection["userName"] = userName;

    formCollection["password"] = password;


    _mockUserRepository.Setup(userRepository => userRepository.ValidateUser(userName, password))




    RedirectToRouteResult result =_loginController.LogOn(formCollection) as RedirectToRouteResult;



    Assert.That(result.RouteValues["controller"], Is.EqualTo("Home"));

    Assert.That(result.RouteValues["action"], Is.EqualTo("Index"));


If there is no definition of LogOn method the compilation will fail. Let me add the LogOn action as follows

public ActionResult LogOn(FormCollection formCollection)


   return View();


In the test code I have populated the form collection with required values and have set an expectation on the ValidateUser to return true value which means that the user is valid. After that assert that the user is redirected to the Index view of the Home controller. Lets run this test and see the result. I get the following error

Moq.MockVerificationException: The following setups were not matched:
IUserRepository userRepository => userRepository.ValidateUser("Nilesh", "abc@123") (ValidUserDetailsAreStoredinSession() in LoginControllerUnitTests.cs

This can be rectified by calling the respective method on the repository. But for that we'll need to read the values from the form collection. Lets implement the same in our LogOn action. Also if the user is valid we'll redirect the user to Home controller and Index method.

public ActionResult LogOn(FormCollection formCollection)


    string userName = formCollection["UserName"];

    string password = formCollection["Password"];


    bool validUser = _userRepository.ValidateUser(userName, password);




        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");




        return View();   





These changes to the code makes the test pass. At this point I want to store the user name who has logged in to a Session variable so that i can use it in all the pages. Lets add the value to Session and see what happens when we rerun the test. I'll add the following line just before calling the RedirectToAction method within the if block.

Session["UserName"] = userName;


Rerun the test and check the impact of this change.  Immediately I get an null reference exception "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

The reason for this is that we are trying to use an intrinsic object (Session) in out LogOn action. If we make use of intrinsic objects like HTTPSession, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse etc within our code it becomes tricky to test that code. one method of overcoming this is to abstract these functionality into a wrapper class. This wrapper class can be injected into the controller and can be unit tested using a mock object. I am going to do the same with Session object. Lets wrap it into another class called SessionHelper using two methods Add and Get

public class SessionHelper


    public void Add(string sessionKey, object sessionValue)


        HttpContext.Current.Session.Add(sessionKey, sessionValue);



    public object Get(string sessionKey)


        return HttpContext.Current.Session[sessionKey];




Once we have this class we can inject it into the LoginController and make the required changes to the LogOn action as well as unit test method. Instead of showing the complete test and action methods I'll show only the changes. For the complete code you can download the code.

_mockSessionHelper.Setup(sessionHelper => sessionHelper.Add("UserName", userName));




The first line needs to be added to test method and the second one to the LogOn action. We'll also need to instantiate these two variables in the respective classes. Also the dependency injection of Session helper needs to be taken care. i have added all these steps to the sample code which is attached at the end of this post.  

ASP.NET MVC supports sharing data between successive request by means of a data structure called TempData. But the limitation of this approach is that it can share data only between two successive requests.


My intention here is to show how we can unit test controller action involving SessionState. There are alternatives to this approach. We can make use of TestHelpers from MVCContrib which can mock any of the framework classes like HTTPContext, Session, Request, Response etc. I haven't gone into the details of creating the views for this sample as I wanted to concentrate on unit testing the controller bit. In some future post I might demonstrate the views for this sample.

You can download the code from my dropbox.

If you are having problems accessing the link you could also try pasting the url http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1569964/SessionStateUnitTest.zip in your browser.


ASP.NET MVC Sample Applications


Supporting any new technology with end to end samples to understand the concepts related to the technology is quite essential. I have been working with ASP.NET MVC off late. While going through various blogs and learning resources I found some good examples. I think its helpful is we get samples related to different domains and scenarios. Here is a small list samples which I found useful. Some of these samples can be found at the ASP.NET MVC site http://www.asp.net/mvc/learn/


MVC Sample Applications

Store Front -

Rob Conery came up with an wonderful series which demonstrated building a online web application called Store Front. Rob demonstrated various concepts in his series of screencasts right from basic ASP.NET MVC to Helpers and Routing, Pipes and Filters, dependency injection, TDD, implementation of repository pattern, Domain Driven Design (DDD), Globalization, Dynamic Data, Entity Framework etc.

The whole application was built bit by bit and I felt every blog post was worth reading even if you had prior knowledge of the concepts that Rob tries to explain. You can download the latest code of the applications at http://www.codeplex.com/mvcsamples/SourceControl/ListDownloadableCommits.aspx


Nerd dinner

This particular application was built by the team which includes people like Scott Guthrie, Phil Haack, Rob Conory and Scott Hanselman. This application also finds mention in the book Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0. This is an open source project hosted on Codeplex.

You can also find it live at www.nerddinner.com. There are plans to add monthly feature to the existing site in the form of OpenID, explore virtual earth API's, RSS feed for all pages etc. You can download the walk through of this application in PDF format from http://tinyurl.com/aspnetmvc.



This is another open source application written by Jeffrey Palermo the author of ASP.NET MVC in Action book. This book has many references to code camp server. The working example of code camp server can be found at Austin .NET Users Group. This application makes use of NHibernate as OR mapper and includes extensive unit tests.You can download the code for this application from http://code.google.com/p/codecampserver/


Suteki Shop E-Commerce

Suteki Shop is a fully featured self service eCommerce Application. The latest code for Suteki can be downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/sutekishop/. Some of the features used in this application are MVC Contrib, Windsor IoC container and Rhino Mocks.



This applications helps users to measure fuel usage and kilometers driven using concepts like dependency injection and repository pattern. This application is designed and developed by Maarten Balliauw. You can catch the glimpse of this application at http://cartrackr.codeplex.com/



FLickr explorer is very interesting to me. It uses loads of things like a custom LINQ provider, jQuery and ASP.NET MVC. It also uses cloud computing. It offers users a fast photo explorer and search tool to browse millions of photos in flickr. You can find the details about this application at http://flickrxplorer.codeplex.com/



Oxite is a blog engine. Oxite has very good support for essentials like MetaWebLog API which can be used with tools like LiveWriter to manage blogs, trackbacks, sitemaps for better search engine optimizations (SEO), RSS and ATOM feeds, web admin features, tags etc etc. the oxite code can be downloaded from http://www.codeplex.com/oxite



Each of these samples have their own advantages. I wouldn't like to go too much into the disadvantages as my main intention at this point is to get familiarized with the ASP.NET MVC technology. If step by step approach is needed I would suggest follow Store Front or Nerd Dinner. If you would like to use mix of MVC and open source tools like JQuery FlickrXplorer might be a good option. If unit testing is the focus then I would suggest having look at CodeCampServer or Suteki Shop. Each of the application has a purpose of its own and highlights one or more feature.

I would like to know if there are any more good samples apart from these listed here.



Tips for improving traffic to blog

I have been blogging for quite some time now. One thing I observed was that the traffic to my blog was very less. I never gave any attention to it. But off late I thought of getting bit serious about blogging. While looking for options to improve traffic to the blog I came across a wonderful article which was a series of posts to demonstrate 10 different ways of improving traffic to blog.

I user blogger as my blog account service. Here is a series which I found very useful for customizing the blog. I have tried many of the steps mentioned in the post.



Some of these steps were simple like providing links for readers to subscribe by means of RSS. Another good suggestion was to submit the blog to search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo. Adding the blog to blog directories is also beneficial.

Some of these activities can be time consuming. It took me almost a days effort to accomplish this. I hope this step will help me to attract some more readers.


ASP.NET MVC 2 preview 2 released

I am currently working on ASP.NET MVC 1.0 framework. My team is involved in developing a web UI for a localized application. Our team was lucky to have the choice of choosing the technology stack that would suite our requirements. We decided to use ASP.NET MVC so that we can use TDD to test drive the project work. Earlier I had worked on web application with ASP.NET 2.0 with MVP implementation. I felt it wasn't very TDD friendly. Since ASP.NET MVC 1.0 offered very good support for TDD we decided to try it out.

With whatever little I have worked with MVC 1.0 I felt that on its own it had few limitations like client side validation, support for some of the common functionality like Grid controls which a ASP.NET developer is well worse with. But many of these limitations are addressed by the MVCContrib community project. I am still working on getting to know the finer nuances of MVC 1.0 framework but the next version MVC 2.0 is released for preview 2. From whatever I have read it seems to be improving all the time and I feel it will still take a while to be stable and more usable. But it is headed in the right direction and the community is adding a great value to the things which might be missing right now.

Another advantage I see with MVC framework is it is bundled by default with JQuery. Since JQuery is widely accepted standard life becomes easier. From Phil Haack's blog I read that some of these limitations have been taken care in the Preview 2 of ASP.NET MVC 2. I look forward to try those things.


Here are few articles which highlight the features of ASP.NET MVC

http://haacked.com/archive/2009/10/01/asp.net-mvc-preview-2-released.aspx - Phil Haack

http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/07/31/asp-net-mvc-v2-preview-1-released.aspx - Scott Guthrie

http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspnet/A-First-Look-at-ASP-NET-MVC-2.aspx - Ben Scheirman

